Last night in St. Paul, Minneapolis at the 2008 Republican National Convention, Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin emerged onto the National stage and made an excellent speech. The presentation was flawless, the speech crafted beautifully and rehearsed thoroughly to present Sarah Palin in the best light and create maximum appeal.
I am also sure from her body language that she is a formidable politician, more than capable of damning her opposition with faint praise as they say in Britain. She rebuked the media attention on her family, introducing them in a brady-bunch, family next door kind of way - she took the fight to Democrats Obama and Biden, head on flagging their lack of experience in running an organisation - and made great capital by turning Obama's experience as a "community organiser" into a pejorative, echoing the pummeling given in the warm-up speech from former New York mayor, Rudi Gulliani.
At the level fo grand [political] strategy Sarah Palin has, in addition, served the military requirements of McCain's campaign to provide a diversion for the enemy - attracting both the fire and spotlight while McCain forges on - somewhat like the tortoise against the Obama Hare. Of course we all know what ultimately transpires in that marathon tale...
In addition for the Republican Party, they risk being out-spent by the Democrats in their record-making election fundraising efforts. Having the former CEO of eBay for advice on how to leverage the internet must be a plus, as having Sarah Palin's freshness attract media attention - at no financial cost to the campaign coffers.
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