Democrat Party members must be wishing they could turn the clock back to the timeframe prior to the Convention season. Democrat Senator Barack Obama enjoyed a substantial lead over Republican John McCain. The media were squarely behind the Democrat effort and opinion polls showed a satisfying lead.
The decision of the Democrat party to forego public contributions to their campaign - because they believed that grass roots contributions would far outstrip the potential under a capped system - could have been a mirage. The McCain took public funding and have enjoyed additional funding courtesy of a more engaged Party. The cash burn by the Obama campaign needs getting under control - fast.
Three weeks on and Barack Obama is being reported as making gaffs regarding Christianity and Islam, attacking the popular Republican VP pick, Sarah Palin mixing up his pit-bulls and pigs.
The perceived poor treatment of former President Bill and Senator Hilary Clinton by the Democrat Party has done little to aid them. One can imagine Hilary doing the bare minimum to blunt the "Palin offensive" by the McCain in order to put the Democrat Party in its place post election with a "I told you so" and position herself as the heir for the 2012 Presidential election. This thought seems to be borne out by her press conference in Florida at the behest of Obama where she refused to attack Sarah Palin.
Obama, meanwhile is due to meet with President Clinton at the Clinton campaign headquarters in New York to seek advice on the election - does that not seem a little late in the day ?
Technorati Tags:
Democrats, Republican, US Election 2008
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